Bag snatching and pickpocketing


Bag snatching and pickpocketing are among the most upsetting and dangerous actions committed by petty criminals against citizens.

Usually bag snatchers ride mopeds or motorbikes, hence, though dexterous and reckless, they need a minimum space to act and manoeuvre their bikes; where possible, try not to leave them any room.

Bag snatching can also be committed by people on foot: when you perceive or notice someone acting suspiciously, move out of their way.

There are an increasing number of bag snatchers acting with one or more accomplices in a car: they draw up alongside their victims and snatch bags out of their hands.

As far as possible, and depending on the circumstances, try to notice any useful elements to identify the bag snatchers and their means of transport.

Keep hand and shoulder bags on the inside of the pavement, possibly across your body, protecting them with your forearm and avoid carrying valuables and documents.

Do not carry your wallet in your back pocket or in bags which can be opened easily.

Do not flaunt earrings, chains and other precious or very eye-catching gold jewellery: remember ajerk can cause serious physical injuries.

Be wary of people lingering in isolated places seemingly without any reason.

If you are going on a long itinerary, always identify some landmarks which can be useful in case of need.

If necessary, address people holding an official or publicposition: police,Carabinieri or Guardia di Finanza officers, traffic police officers, soldiers and uniformed staff know what to do and how to help you.

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