Antidroga Annual Report 2008
Also this year, the Direzione Centrale per i Servizi Antidroga is ready to make a thorough overview of the efforts and commitments of Law
Enforcement agencies in their fight against drug trafficking.
First Part
A global overview on the status of drug trafficking, taking into account the last decade trends, reveals a largely stable drug market, both from
the supply and the demand point of view. A thorough survey regarding the different types of drugs as well as the various areas of the world, gives
useful and interesting ideas to better understand this phenomenon in its complexity and its possible developments.
Second Part
The results achieved in the counter-narcotics activity have confirmed, for the year 2008, the strong involvement of national criminal organizations
in the narco-trafficking business.
Third Part
As in the previous years, one of the main targets pursued by DCSA in 2008 was the development and enhancement of international cooperation