Online guide to bullying: do not underestimate the problem


First of all we shouldn't underestimate the problem because

  • bullying is not a childish action
  • bullying often hides real criminal actions such as theft, extortion, vandalism, robbery and sex crimes
  • bullying not only harms the victim, but everyone that it touches: the family, the teachers, the witnesses
  • bullies are more likely to grow up committing abuses
  • bullying may cause damage to the victims' physical, emotional, and intellectual sphere, as well as to their relationship-building skill.

A set of rules to follow:


  • don't offend others, especially the most vulnerable
  • don't' hide from your parents that someone is hurting you
  • don't lie
  • don't be hard on school-mates you don' t like
  • do not presume upon weaker school-mates.


  • always tell your parents
  • tell someone if you are being bullied, if you've witnessed any bullying behaviour or if you've heard about it
  • if possible, defend the school-mates who get bullied
  • treat all your school-mates equally
  • ask your teachers, non-teaching staff and your mates for help, if someone is threatening you.

To get help immediately you can call:

113 Polizia di Stato (ItalianNational Police)

112 Carabinieri

114 Emergenza Infanzia (toll-free children helpline)

19696 Telefono Azzurro (toll-free helpline available to all children and adolescents below the age of 14) Telefono Azzurro (the institutional line for minors over 14 and for adults)

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