Paedophiles online: safety tips for teens


When participating in forums, chats or role-playing games never disclose any personal information such as your

home or mobile phone number.

A computer screen may hide the real intention of the person you are chatting with.

Neverarrange to meet someone in person who you have met online without informing your parents.

If you intend to meet this person all the same, make an appointment in a crowded place and take at least two friends with you.

If someone you meet online claims to be an adult and

tells you sexual things which make you feel uncomfortable
asks you to keep contacts between you secret
asks to meet you
threatens you somehow
tell a parent, a teacher or the police, because this MUST NOT BE DONE.

If someone seems nice to you but starts writing strange things in chat or sends emails you don't like, change your email address, your nickname and don't be afraid to tell a parent or a teacher.

You need to remember that people can pretend to be whoever they want in the virtual world, creating an identity that is different from their real life one.

Be cautious!

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