Rules of conduct on the slopes


Rules and signposting on ski slopes are set by a decree of the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport (published on the official journal n. 299 of 24 December 2005) complementing the rules of conduct envisaged by law n. 363/2003.

According to the law, if you are under 14 years of age you must wear a helmet. Failure to wear it implies a fine from 30 to 150 euros (according to decriminalization rules - law 689/1981 - a fine of 50 euros is due). During the winter-sports holidays checks are increased and fine almost doubled against those putting other people or their own life at risk.

Overtaking must always take place "whether it is up hill and down dale,from right or left, at a safe distance, in order not to stand in the path of the skier"; skiers being overtaken, and the skier "must stop at the edge of the pistes; they must avoid stopping in proximity of obligatory ways or where visibility is restricted". The 10 rules to be followed on ski slopes together with law n. 363 of 2003 and common sense should reduce the number of accidents and the carelessness of winter sports lovers.

Priority must be given to those coming from the right,as when driving a car; it is forbidden to stand in the way of the person who has been overtaken .

Nelle stazioni sciistiche più grandi - e cioè quelle dotate di almeno venti piste e servite da almeno 10 impianti di risalita - dovrebbero essere individuate aree (snowpark) dedicate alle "evoluzioni acrobatiche" separate per lo sci e per lo snowboard.

In larger ski resorts - that is, having at least 20 slopes and 10 ski tows - snowpark areas for ski and snowboard respectively should be reserved for "snow acrobatics" .

Prestare soccorso ad un infortunato e dare l'allarme è un altro obbligo previsto dalla legge: l'omissione può essere perseguita penalmente. Ma chi cade da solo dovrebbe spostarsi a bordo pista per non creare problemi agli altri.

Helping an injured person and giving the alarm is another legal requirement: omission can be punished by the law. Those who fall over should move to the edge of the slope in order not to be a hindrance to other people.

As for speed, skiers must adjust it "to their personal skills and the conditions of slopes, weather and traffic density" and respect others", which means "not putting their life at risk or prejudicing them". In case of avalanche danger, those who ski off piste and practice ski mountaineering must bring some electronic devices (such as "Arwa") to ease any possible searches.

IManagers of skiable public areas must ensure slopes safety conditions through ad hoc protective devices and signalling. They are also required to take out civil liability insurance to cover damages suffered by users. The contract-holder firm and the manager of the ski tow are not responsible for off-piste accidents.

Specialized police agents of Moena Alpine Training Centre take action for first aid in accidents, to reconstruct the scene, and to identify any civil or criminal liability. Their presence also helps to improve respect of the rules.

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