Giglio: Forensic police and DVI to identify the victims of the shipwreck
The Forensic Police and a DVI team are working to identify the six bodies found inside the Costa Concordia wreck, whose names are still unknown.
The DVI (Disaster Victim Identification) team was established by decree of the Chief of Police in 2005. It is a highly specialized police team made
up of a dozen officers with the task of identifying the victims of major air, land and sea disasters.
To make an example, following the Indonesian tsunami disaster in December 2006, the Italian DVI team was dispatched to the disaster area to help
identify the huge number of victims through their meticulous work.
Actually, DVI experts carry out field investigations not only to ascertain the victim's identity, but also to establish the cause of death. This is also the case of the Giglio shipwreck, where forensic police and DVI team are working together to meet this dual objective.
Interpol staff will take part in the operation as well: they will coordinate the work on DNA comparison involving missing people residing abroad.
(modificato il 02/02/2012)