Observatory for security against acts of discrimination - OSCAD


oscadThe Observatory for security against acts of discrimination (OSCAD) was established to protect the victims of hate crimes, to help individuals who belong to minorities enjoy their right to equality before the law and guarantee protection against any form of discrimination.

Removing obstacles that interfere with the enjoyment of such a fundamental right, recognized by the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" as well as other European and International Conventions, is a sign of the level of civilization of a country, hence a goal that must be pursued with decision.

OSCAD is operated by the Polizia di Stato and the Carabinieri and is within the Department of Public Security - Central Directorate of Criminal Police.

In short, OSCAD:

  • receives reports of discriminatory acts (oscad@dcpc.interno.it - fax 06 46542406 and 0646542407) relating to the world of security, from institutions, professional or trade associations and private individuals, in order to monitor the phenomenon of discrimination based on race or ethnic origin, nationality, religion, gender, age, language, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation and gender identity;
  • based on the reports received, OSCAD starts up targeted interventions at local level to be carried out by the Police or the Carabinieri;
  • follows up the outcome of discrimination complaints lodged with the police agencies;
  • maintains contact with associations and institutions, both public and private, dedicated to combating discrimination;
  • prepares training modules to qualify police operators for anti-discrimination activity and participates in training programs with public and private institutions;
  • puts forward appropriate measures to prevent and fight discrimination.

Always remember that reporting an act of discrimination to OSCAD under no circumstances replaces a formal complaint with the police authorities or an emergency call to 112 or 113.

Italian version

(modificato il 31/10/2015)
Parole chiave:
oscad - discrimination - unar