The Italian Great Network Congress addresses the issue of violence against women


The Italian Police Academy (Scuola Superiore di Polizia) is hosting Italian and international experts for the IV Italian Great Network Congress - Focus on innovation and translational research in emergency medicine.

The Italian Police Chief Alessandro Pansa, who participated in the opening day, together with police doctors, psychologists and officers, opened the conference with a special session on "Violence against women: liaising first aid, psychological support and investigations".

The Police Academy Director Roberto Sgalla said today the police are paying great attention to this issue. In fact, criminal investigation teams have been provided with specialized structures and the Police Academy has designed a special training course on violence against women for the heads of crime divisions.

Police data on women victims of violence were circulated: 8 in 10 women were beaten by a man; half of these incidents occurred at home. One in 10 suffered violence in the workplace. The average age of abused women is currently 40, but the number of teenagers is growing.
In 2012, 160 women were killed: 111 by a family member, and more than 7 out of 10 by a current or former partner. Over the past six years, murders of men decreased by 24%, those of women increased by 5%.

The Great Network is an international network of doctors working in the field of acute medical emergencies.

