2017 Police Calendar: solidarity never stops


2017 Police Calendar can be booked until September 19, 2016, at the Public Relations Office of your Police Headquarters (Questura). You just need to show a payment receipt (8 euros for the wall calendar and 6 euros for the table calendar) on the postal account no. 745000, in favour of "Unicef Comitato Italiano". As reason for payment you should write "Project Lebanon  – Youth and Innovation”.

The calendar’s proceeds will be used to support the UNICEF project  “Lebanon – Youth and Innovation” aimed at improving social and economic integration of young refugees at risk of exploitation.

This year’s edition was commissioned to the talented photographer  Gianni Berengo Gardin.

All proceeds from the sale of 2016 Police calendar (156,000 euros)  were donated to a UNICEF child protection project in South Sudan.

Italian version

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