Italy and Albania meet to enhance security


il capo della polizia con il capo della Polizia albanese Artan Didi,

A technical meeting between the Italian Police Chief - Director General of Public Security Alessandro Pansa and the Albanian Police Chief Artan Didi took place on Thursday, January 30, in the premises of the National Police Academy.

During the meeting, the two top ranking officers discussed various issues affecting both countries, examining the possibility to undertake joint activities oriented towards prevention and reduction of criminal phenomena having a serious impact on society, including predatory crimes.

l'arrivo del il capo della Polizia italiana Alessandro Pansa e il capo della Polizia albanese Artan Didi

On this occasion, they also signed a technical protocol envisaging the setting up of a task force on sharing information and analysis of intelligence data, with a view to enhancing operational cooperation in fugitives investigations from both countries.

la firma del protocollo con la polizia albanese

This agreement strengthens the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Italy and Albania and boosts bilateral operational initiatives for the safeguard of public safety.

