Railway police: RAILPOL meeting in Florence


treno fermo alla stazione ferroviaria

The Italian Railway Police and RAILPOL - the EU network for cooperation between railway police forces aimed at ensuring safe railway transport from the North Cape to the Mediterranean, from Belarus to Ukraine and the Atlantic Ocean, have jointly organized an international meeting on 20 - 21 May 2014 in Florence.

The ANSF, the Italian National Agency for Railway Security, is providing scientific and logistical support to the conference, which is attended by the representatives of seven countries besides Italy, namely Germany, Holland, Belgium, Hungary, Romania, Latvia, and Slovakia.

The meeting will focus on promoting European legislation on common standards for maintenance of railways vehicles, considering the results of the investigations carried out following railway accidents and disasters, in particular, the Viareggio disaster occurred on 29 June 2009.

Participants will analyse and compare national legislation on maintenance of railway axles, both for the transport of goods and passengers. This particular aspect has direct impact on train safety and requires the utmost skill and the application of the best available technical standards at European level.


(modificato il 23/05/2014)
Parole chiave:
News - railway police - railpol