Security: Italy-Germany bilateral meeting


Incontro tra Pansa e Stock al Viminale

In view of the upcoming election of the new Secretary General of Interpol to be held in November in the Principality of Monaco, this morning the Police Chief Alessandro Pansa met the Vice President of the Bundeskriminalamt Jügen Stock, German candidate for the post.

The meeting, held at Ministry of the Interior in Rome in the presence of the Deputy Chiefs of Police Francesco Cirillo and Matteo Piantedosi, focused on organized crime, itinerant crime, terrorism and cyber crime.

In the wake of the cooperation in the investigations into organized crime initiated after the mafia massacre in Duisburg, Prefect Pansa and Jügen Stock have agreed to intensify cooperation between the two countries to include itinerant crime and search for fugitives.

During the meeting they also agreed on the need to strengthen the fight against organized crime by enhancing the role of Interpol as regards information exchange and operational cooperation among its 190 member countries.

The meeting ended with a visit to the Polizia di Stato Officers Memorial at the Police Academy in Rome.

The Director of the Police Forces Coordination and Planning Office Annapaola Porzio, and the Director of Immigration and Border Police Giovanni Pinto also attended the meeting.


Parole chiave:
News - Germany - Police chief - interpol - meeting