Two police dogs are looking for a new home


L'addestramento di cani poliziotto

Rocky and Querry are two beautiful male German Shepherds who have worked for the Police K9 Unit of Reggio Calabria. Now, it's time for them to retire, so they are looking for loving care.

Querry, who has a grey coat, was born in 2006 and was withdrawn from operational duties for health reasons (see information sheet). He was trained in crowd control services, that's why his rehomer should be someone capable of dealing with dominant dogs. Querry is not suitable for families with kids.

Rocky instead is a docile and affectionate dog, a little suspicious of strangers. He has a black coat and was born in 2004. He was retired from police work because of age limits (see information sheet). He was trained to detect drugs and in his long career made many positive alerts. Rocky too is not suitable for a families with young children.

If you are interested in welcoming Rocky and Querry in your family, please go to our dedicated section ,where you will find all necessary information.


Parole chiave:
News - dogs - K9