Police cooperation: Italian officers at the Oktoberfest


Il capo della polizia a Monaco

On the fringes of the quadrilateral meeting held in Munich with the Police Chiefs of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Prefect Pansa, accompanied by Prefect Cirillo and the other Police Chiefs, visited the police station set up in the Wiesn, where hundreds of thousands of people go every day to enjoy the Oktoberfest festival.

Once there, Prefect Alessandro Pansa met the Italian police officers who will support their German colleagues on duty at the festival.

Il capo della polizia a Monaco

This year, five police officers from Bolzano Police Headquarters will patrol the festival area, reinforcing their German colleagues in providing assistance to over 200,000 Italian guests, who storm the Oktoberfest tents each year.

la polizia a Monaco

The presence of a familiar uniform is a visible point of reference for the Italian guests and can help get through many situations. Moreover, our uniformed police officers are greatly appreciated by other foreign visitors as well.

la polizia a Monaco

Since 2005 the Polizia di Stato has participated in the largest and most famous beer festival in the world (registering 6.9 million visitors last year) with some of its officers, whose presence has been increasingly hailed by Italian guests.

