Rome: bilateral meeting with France


immigrati e permesso di soggiorno

Deputy Police Chief Francesco Cirillo and Director of French Border Police David Skuli met this morning at the Criminal Police Central Directorate in Rome, as part of ongoing bilateral cooperation initiatives.

Nicola Zito, Anticrime Director, and Giovanni Pinto, Director of Immigration and Border Police, also attended the meeting which focused on how to strengthen operational synergies to combat organized crime, and especially illegal immigration. In particular, it was agreed to enhance existing instruments of international cooperation, setting up "ad hoc" working groups, increasing joint patrolling activities and improving information exchange between law enforcement authorities.

Participants also discussed the issues related to the simplification of administrative procedures for the readmission of irregular foreigners.

The topics covered today will be the subject of a protocol to be signed by the Italian Chief of Police Alessandro Pansa and the Chief of the French National Police Jean Marc Falcone in the coming months.

Prefect Cirillo, commenting on the event, said: "The meeting was extremely fruitful and represented a significant step forward in the already excellent relations between our countries. We set out strategic guidelines for an ever-closer cooperation between our police organizations. The protocol to be signed by our directors general within the end of the year will enable us to respond even more effectively to criminal threats, including, first and foremost, illegal immigration".

