Police Chief meets new Frontex Executive Director


Il capo della Polizia Alessandro Pansa durante la lezione

Italian Police Chief Alessandro Pansa met the new Frontex Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri today in Rome.

The meeting took place as part of a technical mission undertaken by the Agency's Executive Director in Italy, a country which serves a crucial role in the fight against illegal immigration, as the main European sea border.

During the meeting they addressed the current issue of migration flows across the Mediterranean Sea directed to Italy.

Leggeri confirmed Frontex full commitment, both as regards finance and logistics, to conduct joint operations aimed at supporting Italy's effort to stem the migration flows and, at the same time, ensure the preservation of the migrants' life at sea.

They also discussed the need to maintain the technical and operational cooperation relationships, already established by the Italian Ministry of the Interior, with transit migration countries, such as Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia, so that their authorities take the necessary steps to prevent the departure of vessels to Italy through an appropriate coastal patrolling.

Following this meeting, another technical meeting was held in the "crisis room" of the National Coordination Centre of the Central Directorate for Immigration and Border Police. It was attended by representatives of Frontex, senior representatives of the Italian Guardia di Finanza, of the Italian Navy, of the Port Authorities, and of the Carabinieri. The meeting focused on Triton's 2015 operational and financial guidelines.

Italian version
