Immigration: Eurosur to strenghten European cooperation


Polizia e immigrati a Lampedusa

Since the Schengen area came into being, the borders of the countries situated at the external frontiers of the Union have become the borders of the EU. After the most recent tragedy in Lampedusa, the issue of judicial and police cooperation for a better management of EU external borders was brought back to the fore.

European Parliament approves the European Border Surveillance System(Eurosur)
Frontex, the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union, will be better equipped to accomplish its mission thanks to the Eurosur communication network, approved just two weeks ago by the European Parliament. "Under the Eurosur mechanism it will be possible to carry out border surveillance in the framework of Frontex operations", - said Mario Mauro, Italy's Defence Minister.

Eurosur is a new system of information sharing aimed at improving operational cooperation at the external borders among Member States. It is designed to enhance the detection, prevention of and fight against cross-border crime, but it will also contribute to help save migrants' lives.

Cooperation among European police forces
The rise of the migration phenomenon has been triggered by the Arab Spring and the Syrian crisis, and requires a more comprehensive approach through international police cooperation.

New technologies and European action
Eurosur will start working on 2 December in 18 Member countries, including Italy. As of 1 December 2014 it will start operating in the rest of the EU countries. One of the most important aspects of Eurosur is the attribution of impact levels to external borders based on the number of migration-related incidents occurring. Italian borders, which are more at risk than others, will finally take advantage of the European action and the new technologies.

For more information see the European Commission' s memo.


Parole chiave:
Eurosur - immigration - frontex - News