Pansa in Paris for bilateral police cooperation


Il capo della Polizia Alessandro Pansa con il comandante dell'Arma dei carabinieri Leonardo Gallitelli a Parigi durante la riunione di cooperazione bilaterale tra Italia e Francia

Strengthening joint patrols, fighting against terrorism and information exchange are some of the topics covered by the High Level Group formed by Italy and France.

The meeting, which was held today in Paris, with the participation of the highest ranks of the Italian and French police forces, was aimed at strengthening bilateral police cooperation.

Italy was represented by the Chief of Police, Director General of Public Security Alessandro Pansa and the Commander General of the Carabinieri Leonardo Gallitelli, the French side by the Director General of the National Police Claude Baland and the Director General of the Gendarmerie Denis Favier.

The two countries have decided to increase "high impact" joint operations in the fight against cross-border crime, thus allowing a rapid exchange of information within the Police and Customs Cooperation Centres.

During the meeting the two countries resolved to strengthen joint investigations in order to curb illegal immigration. As to internal security, Italian authorities explained the priorities of the Italian EU Presidency programme in the second half of 2014.

During the EU Presidency, Italy intends to focus on the themes "security and development" with a view to preventing and reducing the risk of infiltration by organized crime and terrorism in the legitimate economy.

The Italian delegation seized this opportunity to present a preliminary document based on which the two countries will be able to establish a synergy in view of the development of an EU Internal security strategy.

