Stadium safety and security: Argentina looks to the Italian model


Il capo della Polizia Alessandro Pansa incontra il suo omologo argentino Roman Di Santo

To consolidate the excellent cooperation relationships between Italy and Argentina, Police Chief Alessandro Pansa has met his Argentinean counterpart Roman Di Santo.

Argentina, a longstanding reliable ally for Italy in the fight against illegal drugs, has shown a great interest in Italian crowd management strategies in sports events, paying special attention to the recent measures taken by the Task Force on stadium security set up at the Department of Public Safety.

The Task Force, established by Interior Minister Angelino Alfano and coordinated by Prefect Vincenzo Panico, boasts among its members various representatives of the sports world.

The results of the activities carried out with the new formulas aimed at improving safety levels in Italian stadiums have been presented recently.

Argentinean Police Chief Roman Di Santo attended the meeting held at the National Police Academy in Rome, where he expressed his full support for the prevention and reduction measures adopted in Italy against hooliganism.


Parole chiave:
News - Police chief - Stadiums